Membership Ecommerce Site
Do you want to?

Get free tickets?

Discounted price for buying tickets?

Get multiple priority booking periods?

Get temporary membership cards with barcodes?
Members are allowed to:

Buy various different memberships by card and Direct Debit (3 interfaces currently supported Eiger BankWizard, Bankscan and Validata).

Get membership renewal and upgrade, including pro rata membership upgrades mid term.

Buy gift memberships.

Create Gift Aid declarations.

Get free tickets and restricted inventory for buying tickets.

Get multiple priority booking periods.

Lookup to third party membership systems including Progress and Raiser's Edge as well as other separate Fundrainsing and Membership management systems.

Customers can create their own ecards.

Get temporary membership cards with barcodes
Example of Membership page:
Here Standard Saver and Friends Single Production these two options are only for members.