Do you want to

Make payments via a stand alone product?

Make high speed, real time card authorisation transactions?

Make payments without saving any card details back to the database?

Get your solution "out of scope" for PCI Compliance.

Supports customer present chip and pin solutions.

Can support YESpay, CommIdea Ocius and Anderson Zaks RedCard solutions.

Updates database payment structures as required, without storing card details if required to circumvent PCI exposure

Allows payments via stand alone product.

Offers a number of card payment processing products and services.

Offers cardholder present/not present, on-line processing, bulk processing and membership payment and management.

Products lead the way in versatility and are used for multi-channel environments.

Offers fast transaction processing, receipts printed by the PoS (Point of Sale).

A PIN pad is required for customer present chip and pin transactions.

Enables you to quickly check your credit account balance, debit transaction history, or update your personal information, anytime and anywhere.

Can manage your REDcard right on your mobile phone.

Get rewards and benifits while shopping.
Gift Voucher Redemption Online

To give customers the ability to redeem Gift Vouchers(GVO) or Credit Notes(FCN) online as a part of the whole payment towards a booking.

If a voucher has remaining credit on it, change should be issued as the next consecutive voucher number on the original booking reference.
Example of Payment Solution: